
In 1956, Lucio Enrico Di Nardo, a connoisseur and enthusiast of art objects, began his career as an optician and collector of vintage eyewear. Today, this valuable collection is still lovingly maintained by his family, who not only preserve its history and timeless elegance but also continue to seek out authentic frames to further enrich it.


€ 98,00

Round frame coated in celluloid from the 1930s. Unused and in excellent condition. The glasses are a perfect replica of those worn by Aldous Huxley in a 1930 photograph. The celluloid coating made the glasses very comfortable, while the internal metal structure provided moderate durability. Overall, they are lightweight, but after nearly a century, the celluloid has lost its elasticity and should therefore be handled with great care. We have fitted lenses similar to those of the time, but we can install lenses in any color upon request.

Aldous Huxley


€ 98,00

Pince-nez model from the 1920s, widely used by military personnel, intellectuals, and politicians of the time. Designed for distance vision (hyperopia or myopia), as it was worn securely in place. The nasal clip provided an excellent grip, especially for mounted cavalry officers. We can supply it with either neutral lenses or reading lenses.


€ 490,00

Mid-19th century glasses made of steel, featuring an X-shaped nasal bridge. This distinctive bridge made them suitable for narrow nasal bridges, as beautifully illustrated in Carl Jäger’s 1815 portrait of Franz Schubert. We have endeavored, as much as possible, to pair them with a case fitting their dimensions, albeit from a different era.

Franz Schubert


€ 98,00

Modello Cat con strasse di celluloide nera. Produzione francese dei primi anni 50’ del secolo scorso. Non usato e in ottimo stato. Come attesta la sua busta contenitrice, era in vendita in un negozio americano. Abbiamo montato lenti verde chiaro, simili a quelle del tempo. Il modello Cat (gatto) fu inventato da dalla designer Altina Schinasi alla fine degli anni trenta. Possiamo tranquillamente affermare fu lei ad introdurre nella moda gli occhiali, considerati fino ad allora una semplice protesi visiva, quasi totale appannaggio del consumatore maschile. La maschera di Arlecchino fu la sua fonte ispiratrice. Questi occhiali dominarono il mercato ben oltre gli anni 60’

Altina Schinasi


€ 79,00

Si tratta di uno dei primi occhiali prodotti da Diego Dalla Palma, probabilmente nei primi anni 80’del secolo scorso. Non usato e in ottimo stato. Le lenti sono quelle originali, molto scure secondo la moda del tempo. Possiamo sostituirle con colori piu’ chiari e di tendenza glamour.


€ 98,00

Ratti Persol model in gold-plated metal from the early 1980s. This was one of the first attempts by the Ratti company of Turin to produce glasses in metal. They can be fitted with prescription or sun lenses; the lenses are supported at the bottom by a nylon thread, creating an overall effect of visual lightness.

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Via San Gallo

Via San Gallo 134R
50129 Firenze - Italia

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